Rise Of The Beast is a story about the future where freedom, liberty, and justice no longer exist on the planet. Evil forces have taken over and none can stand against them.
A group of patriots are the first to take action against the intractable enemy. Their leader rises to the occasion to try to change that future for all of mankind.
Meanwhile, hidden away in the mountains is a group of survivors who have chosen to continue to live free. They live underground and off the land, farming and hunting in secret. Their story is one of family, beliefs, and their struggle to survive! Everything they hold to depends on not being found by the enemy.
It is a story of hero's who try to make a difference in a world subjected to inhuman treatment with no human rights. But the human spirit cannot be broken so easily and human beings insist on living free, with liberty and justice for all!
Rise of The Beast is a fictional story loosely based on prophecies and current events.
Rise of The Beast is Now Available at Amazon Books $14.99 New Paperback
(also available on Kindle)